Looking for a new aircraft? Trying to find an airplane share or block time? Looking for an hangar? Browse our classifieds. Have a job to advertise? An hangar to rent? Post a Classified Ad.
Airport Maps for Wall Display
There are currently two designs (British Columbia 34"x47" and North America 84.5"x60"). Prints are mounted onto sintra for easy wall…
Total views: 14
Price: $560.00
Total views: 14
Price: $560.00
YCD Hangar Rental - Short Term
Want to get your plane out of the cold and wet winter weather? I have a T-hangar space at YCD…
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Price: $1.00
Total views: 7
Price: $1.00
Hangers For Sale
Brand new corporate level hangers for sale in Oliver B.C. CAU3 55x45 Canadian made steel construction with fully automated doors…
Total views: 23
Price: $399,000.00
Total views: 23
Price: $399,000.00
Piper PA-18 Supercub for sale
1950 Super Cub 150 hp, low time many mods and upgrades For complete details and pictures see: https://uppervalleyaviation.com/bepro_listings/1950-piper-super-cub-pa-18-125-c-fwix/ Contact Ken…
Total views: 89
Price: $179,900.00
Total views: 89
Price: $179,900.00
Partnership in aircraft ownership or buying block time
Looking for a partnership in a four seater small aircraft in the Okanagan region, preferably in or around Kelowna. Please…
Total views: 28
Total views: 28
Chief Flight Instructor
Position: Chief Flight Instructor The Vanderhoof Flying Club and Flight School is a small, expanding, flight training unit located in…
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Total views: 17
Rear float blocks for C 180/185 with bolts no corrosion. For EDO floats
Float attach blocks for Edo floats. All bolts. No corrosion 200.00Usd
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Price: $300.00
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Price: $300.00
LIGHTSPEED Zulu headset
LIGHTSPEED Zulu Headset Includes 2 new ear seals, package unopened $800 plus shipping from Kitimat Text or email for photo…
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Price: $800.00
Total views: 12
Price: $800.00