Leadership Team

Following the 2023 Annual General Meeting (held on March 5, 2023), the BC General Aviation Association has elected a new leadership team. The Association is currently finalizing the details of the announcement and publication, which will be shared with its members and stakeholders shortly. The approval of the motion to add any board director throughout the year provides the Association with the flexibility to adjust its leadership team as necessary to meet evolving industry needs. The BC General Aviation Association is committed to ensuring a smooth transition and effective leadership to continue promoting and advancing the general aviation industry in British Columbia.

Board of Directors

Bruce Burley – Executive, President ([email protected])

Brodie Otway – Executive

Arthur Loring – Director at Large

Warwick Patterson – Director at Large

Mark Cossement – Executive

Ryan Van Haren – Executive / Treasurer ([email protected])

Samantha Porter – Director at Large

Nicholas Mufford –  Executive

Luciano Nisi –  Director at Large

Jasen Donszelmann –  Director at Large

John Van Keulen –  Director at Large

Other Leadership & Support Roles

Past Directors

Roger Nickel 2015-2016
Dave McElroy 2016-2017
Travis McCrea 2015-2017
Rick Church 2015-2019
Ben Peach 2015-2019
Ken Wardstrom 2015-2020
Robert Anderson 2017-2020
Anne Stevens 2020-2023
Erik Urquhart 2019-2022
Todd Weselake 2019-2022
Tyler Patterson 2020-2023
Ryan Van Haren 2015-2021
Rob Prior – 2022-2024
Erik Urquhart – 2020-2024