Nizus – B.C. General Aviation Association (BCGA)

Transport Canada Exam Preparation & Review For BCGA Members

The BCGA is proud to partner with NIZUS to offer BCGA members a 20% discount on NIZUS’ database of sample Transport Canada pilot exams.  NIZUS has a partnership with TC regarding the materials we are using and the exam prep we built and have copyright authorization from both Transport Canada and NavCanada for the use of their publications.

Click The Banner to View The NIZUS Website

How to Register For The Discount

1. Go to the Nizus Website and click on “Sign-Up” and create an account.

2. Click on the send request button below and copy and past the following text into the body of the email. The NIZUS team will reply to you once they have added the discount. When you receive a confirmation email you can go head and purchase your NIZUS subscription and your discount will be automatically applied.


“BCGA Discount”

“Please register me for the BCGA discount for NIZUS services.
Name: (Insert Your Name)
Email Address: (Insert Your Email Address)
BCGA Membership Number: (Insert The Membership number on your BCGA Membership Card)
BCGA Membership Expiration Year: (Insert the year contained in the expiration date on your BCGA Membership Card)

Thank you,”