BCGA Director Brodie Otway and BCGA Liaison Peter Lythall provided letters of support that aided in Chetwynd’s successful application for the grant. Under the Air Access program introduced by the BC Liberal Government, the Chetwynd airport received 1.3 Million dollars towards this project and the resurfacing has been completed.
Copy of the Letter Provided By BCGA Director Brodie Otway:
“Through the B.C. Air Access Program, our government is giving residents in rural areas a greater ability to connect with the rest of B.C.,” Bernier said. “I am pleased to see these improvements in Chetwynd which will help ensure our airport stays vibrant and will serve the people of the area for years to come.”
Subsurface work will be done and the runway paved to increase safety and reliability for emergency aircraft and passenger charter service landing at the airport.
Through the B.C. Air Access Program, the ministry cost shares with public airports on projects such as lighting and navigational systems, terminal building expansion or upgrades, and runway improvements. These types of projects will allow airports to improve safety, accommodate larger aircraft and more frequent flights, and further support the continuing growth of local and provincial economies.
The ministry has committed $24 million over the past three years for the B.C. Air Access Program. This year’s program is providing over $10 million for airport infrastructure improvement projects around the province. The program also encourages funding partnerships with the federal government, local and regional governments and agencies, and the private sector. Last year, the program provided over $8 million toward improvements at 23 regional airports throughout the province.
The B.C. Air Access Program is part of B.C. on the Move, the Province’s 10-year transportation plan. Over the next three years the ministry and its partners are investing over $4.6 billion in priority transportation investments as part of this plan.
Learn More:
For information on the B.C. Air Access program, go to: http://www.gov.bc.ca/BCAirAccessProgram